Let nature work its Magic!

Wednesday came and went but not without a plan. Thank goodness for prep when illness hits! So here is a quick recap of Wednesday...

Wednesday Meal Plan
Two scrabbled eggs (add coconut oil in coffee for fat) and 1/2 cup mixed organic berries (washed)

Left over Soup (Deliciously Organic)

OUT! Yep - when brain fog, body aches, and tension headache take over the only answer is sometimes to have other people cook and clean. The problem - feeling lousy later. My poor hubby. Fortunately my salad was on the clean side (I cannot control the chemicals but tried my best to control the selection).

Wednesday Workout Plan
20 min HIIT with Trainer Lindsey

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Feeling slightly rejuvenated and definitely less in the trenches of illness today.  Loving the sunny weather and the smell of fresh cut grass this morning as I picked up a new stock of produce and meats for the next few days of prep and planning! Fresh cut grass just invigorates the senses and it constantly reminds me how soothing it is to be in nature and allow nature to refresh us from the constant grind. Just good for the soul.

Thursday Meal Plan
Waffles (Lexi's Clean Kitchen)

Berry Smoothie (Deliciously Organic and add in Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides)

Chicken Tikka Masala (The Defined Dish) and Cauliflower Rice.

Thursday Workout Plan
20 min endurance Treadclimber
45 min P90X Back and Chest
Riding bikes with the kids (Get outside!!!)

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