Food Sensitivity is Real!

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Are food sensitivities for real?  Part of the reason my diet has taken a crash course over the past 3 years was because of health issues.  Amazingly, I feel blessed that sickness lead to healthy habits and new ways of eating.  It has helped my entire family!  Recently, someone asked me why gluten free....I had to laugh at my own answer. Well, because "they" say people with Hashimotos should avoid gluten. Do not even get me started on the whole "they" topic...but in truth I was not really sure whether I was sensitive to gluten or not?  Last night, after a fun day of surf and sand we headed to a California favorite In-N-Out. I decided this was a great time to test it out and indulge in a burger.  Food sensitivities are real, people! Within 15 minutes of eating the burger I had completely full sinuses and was sneezing up a storm. It was a bummer and lasted well into the night.  Therefore, on our return trips to this family favorite I will stay with my usual "protein" style!

Sunday Meal Plan
Lexi's Clean Kitchen Waffles, Bacon, Bananas and OJ!

We are on a chicken salad kick right now!! Grilled Chicken Salad (Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind).

In-N-Out (Allergy unfriendly!) and thank you Texanerin for those amazing cookies!! So good!!

Sunday Workout Plan
Rest Day (Although 300 stairs to and from the beach might not count as a rest day).

Monday Meal Plan
Paleomg's super awesome banana muffins

Salad out while furniture shopping....

Wellness Mama's Healthy Chicken Cordon Bleu

Monday Workout Plan
20 Min. Endurance Treadclimber
20 Min HIIT with Trainer Lindsey


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